Crossfit BAQ, Barranquilla, Colombia

Posted: January 31, 2013 in Ex-er...size?
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I stumbled up to BAQ Crossfit after a day of walking around with my 25lb (13kg) backpack in the blazing sun. Cathy greeted me and told me about the box, the events that they are planning on doing (civil wars against santa marta), and other competitions (tough mudder!) that they are working towards.

While the box is relatively new (5 months) and has a healthy following so far (8 people were in the class I watched and 6 showed up the next morning for the 7am class!) I was more impressed that they were able to find a warehouse-type space in the middle of the busy city. (Funny enough, it’s located right behind “Bourbon Street”, a bar that is modeled after New Orleans famous Bourbon street and has all the proper decorations. Half of me wants to sit outside (when the bar is open) with a beer and cheer on the crossfitters who are running.)

I told Cathy that I wasn’t going to work out that day, but I would be in tomorrow. She asked if I wanted to bring my backpack back because we were going to be doing Murph.

guh…. Murph? I said no to the backpack (not without taking a picture, though!) and showed up the next day for my beating.


run a mile
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
run a mile.

While there is very little scaling done at BAQ, everyone who finished the workout was definitely a “CSI victim” (where you can lay down and have an outline of your body drawn by the sweat pouring off your body.

Did I mention that it’s 27(C… that’s 80 degreesF) here at 6am?


Anyway, if you are ever in Barranquilla and want to get ready for the craziness that Carnival is surely going to inflict on your body, this is the place to come.

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